A knee joint replacement is an operation to treat arthritis of the knee and involves resurfacing or replacing the knee with artificial moving parts to alleviate pain and restore function.

The knee joint is formed between the lower end of the femur ("thigh bone") and the top of the tibia ("shin bone") as well as the patella ("knee cap"). The surfaces of these bones are covered in cartilage. Arthritis results in loss of cartilage causing pain, stiffness and loss of function.

A knee replacement involves replacing the arthritic joint with metal and polyethylene implants. A metal "cap" covers the end of the femur (femoral component) and a metal tray sits on the tibia (tibial component). These components are cemented ("glued") in place. A polyethylene ("plastic") liner sits between the metal components. The back of the patella is often resurfaced with a polyethylene dome which is also cemented in place. You are able to fully weightbear immediately after surgery. Most patients will use two crutches for the first few weeks after surgery.
If your arthritic knee is causing you pain and affecting your lifestyle I will endeavour to see you for consideration of a knee replacement within 3 weeks of receiving your referral and aim to complete your surgery within 3 months.